Dictionary for vehicles from the USA


"Kit" self made vehicle

Warranty Return

Vehicle returned to the manufacturer because of a breach in the warranty

Gray Market

Vehicle was manufactured for use outside the United States and has been brought into the United States. Record is not currently issued and has been replaced by two different records - 'Gray Market: Non-compliant" and "Gray Market: Compliant"

Gray Market: Non-compliant

Vehicle was manufactured for use outside the United States and has been brought into the United States. Vehicle is consistent with applicable federal standards

Gray Market: Compliant

Vehicle was manufactured for use outside the United States and has been brought into the United States. Vehicle is not consistent with applicable federal standards


A vehicle that has been permanently modified from original construction by removing, adding, or replacing major components.


Vehicle cannot be used to drive and it can be used as source of parts only


Vehicle which is reproduction of other vehicle manufactured in given year by given manufacturer


The vehicle is over 50 years old


The vehicle is over 20 years old and adheres to other USA state specific criteria

Salvage Retention

Vehicle with prior applied 'Salvage" record has been retained by owner

Owner Retained

Vehicle for which total loss has been declared by the insurance company but the owner maintains possession and ownership of the vehicle

Prior Owner Retained

Record issued for new ownership title if previous ownership title contains record "Owner Retained"


Vehicle has been renovated by the installation of a new cab and chassis for the existing vehicle

Street Rod

The vehicle has been modified to not conform with the manufacturer's specifications, and the modifications adhere to department of motor vehicle specified criteria


This record may appear when "Salvage" record has been reported ealier. "Rebuilt" record testifies that vehicle has passed anti-theft inspection, safety inspection and other necessary procedures to confirm that vehicle has been rebuilt under required standards.

Prior Non-Repairable / Repaired

It has been issued ownership title with records which confirms that it has been repaired vehicle which has been destroyed, reported as unrepairable or not fulfilling requirements to ownership title issue because of damages extent

Manufacturer Buy Back

New vehicle which has been bought back by manufacturer under mandatory law if vehicle repair attempts have not successfully finished

Bond Posted

Insurance company has issued a document which confirms vehicle ownership if vehicle ownership cannot be proven in different way. This record is not used after January 17, 2003

Memorandum Copy

It has been issued title document copy

Parts Only

Vehicle can have only use as source of parts but currently this record is not used. It is used "Dismantled" record

Recovered Theft

It has been recovered vehicle reported as stolen. Vehicle has been repaired, inspected and may be used to drive

Undisclosed Lien

Record appears if purchased vehicle has been registered in state in which ownership title does not contain information about lien. This record is not used after January 17, 2003

Vehicle Non-conformity Uncorrected

Non-safety defect reported by the vehicle manufacturer to the department of motor vehicle has not been corrected

Vehicle Non-conformity Corrected

Non-safety defect reported by the vehicle manufacturer to the department of motor vehicle has been corrected

Vehicle Safety Defect Uncorrected

Safety defect reported by the vehicle manufacturer to the department of motor vehicle has not been corrected

Vehicle Safety Defect Corrected

Safety defect reported by the vehicle manufacturer to the department of motor vehicle has been corrected

VIN Replaced

Department of motor vehicle has assigned new VIN number for this vehicle. New VIN may be issued for vehicle with previous record "Rebuilt" in case of problem with registration occuring

Vehicle Contains Reissued VIN

Department of motor vehicle has assigned to vehicle foregoing VIN Below there are examples of situations once record may be issued:

  • It cannot find VIN on the vehicle body or it is unreadable
  • Vehicle has been altered by removal part where VIN there was
  • Vehicle has been altered by adding part where VIN there is


Vehicle restored to original condition by manufacturer

Flood damage

Vehicle has damaged by freshwater or saltwater flood

Salt water damage

Vehicle has damaged by salt water flood 

Fire damage

Vehicle has damaged by fire

Hail damage

Vehicle has damaged by hail


Vehicle damaged in the result of vandalism


Vehicle damaged in the result of collision


Total loss has been declared by department of motor vehicle or an insurer that is obligated to cover the loss


Vehicle frame or chassis has been destroyed precluding their again use in vehicle construction


Vehicle can be used as source of parts and scrap only and it can be never registered and used to drive again

Disclosed Damage

Vehicle has been damaged in the extent which requires damage disclosure by vehicle seller under the state damage disclosure law


Vehicle has contaminated by hazardous substance. Hazardous substance is any substance which could decrease vehicle safety or cause passenger damages. Record does not involve after flood vehicles

Salvage: Damage or Not Specified

This record may be applied for the vehicle with some reasons:
- damage or destruction which actual or estimated vehicle rebuild costs to condition before accident exceeds defined by state law percentage of vehicle retail price.
- acquire vehicle ownership by insurer as result of compensation payment for damaged vehicle
- decision of vehicle owner to apply on vehicle this record, regardless of damages and repair extent
- unknown reasons

Salvage: Stolen

Vehicle which ownership has been acquired by an insurance company as result of compensation payment for stolen vehicle

Salvage: Reasons Other Than Damage or Stolen

Vehicle which "Salvage" record has been applied from other reasons than "Salvage: Damage or Not Specified" and "Salvage: Stolen". For example: in case of vehicle abandonment

Test Vehicle

Vehicle is built and retained by the manufacturer for testing

Prior Taxi

Vehicle previously registered as a taxi

Original Taxi

Vehicle currently registered as a taxi

Agricultural Vehicle

Vehicle used primarily on private roads for agricultural purposes

Prior Police

Vehicle previously registered as a police vehicle

Original Police

Vehicle currently registered as a police vehicle

Logging Vehicle

Vehicle used primarily on private roads for logging purposes

Former Rental

Vehicle has been used as rental vehicle

Odometer: Actual

Odometer reading is true

Odometer: Not Actual

Odometer reading is false

Odometer: Tampering Verified

Odometer reading is false because of odometer tampering

Odometer: Reading at Time of Renewal

The odometer reading was recorded when the vehicle registration was renewed

Odometer: Exceeds Mechanical Limits

The odometer reading is less than the true vehicle mileage because the odometer is not able to display the true vehicle mileage

Odometer: May be Altered

Department of motor vehicle assumes that odometer reading is different than true vehicle mileage because of alteration realization related with odometer

Odometer: Replaced

The odometer in the vehicle is not the odometer put in the vehicle when manufactured

Odometer: Discrepancy

Department of motor vehicle assumes that odometer reading is different than true vehicle mileage because of previously recorded vehicle mileage values

Odometer: Exempt from Odometer Disclosure

Vehicle is exempted from odometer reading during owner change

Odometer: Call Title Division

It occurs some problem with vehicle odometer. To obtain details information, contact with department of motor vehicle is recommended

Odometer: Exceeds Mechanical Limits Rectified

Department of motor vehicle has corrected "Odometer: Exceeds Mechanical Limits Rectified" record

co to jest numer vin
What is the VIN number?
The VIN (Vehicle Identification number) is a unique identifier assigned to each vehicle. It consists of 17 characters that contain information about the brand, model, year of production and the characteristic features of the vehicle. The VIN number is used to track the vehicle history, such as repairs, technical inspections and accidents. This is a key element when checking the technical condition and vehicle history before buying.
gdzie znaleźć
Where to find a VIN number?
The VIN number is placed on elements permanently related to the body. You can usually find it on the driver's side, in the service book, on the side of the engine and in various other places, which is often conditioned by the car brand. If you do not find it under the hood, you can look for it in the trunk, on the floor in the passenger cabin, on the threshold, on the front septum, the nest of the front suspension column, the floor in the passenger compartment or the dashboard.
co to jest numer vin
Almost 20% of buyers from online advertisements had a problem with obtaining a VIN number from the seller. It is about an open attempt to hide the history of the car, and over 10% of drivers met with a situation in which the seller posted an incorrect or false VIN number in the advertisement.
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