Vehicle History Reports for French Cars

basic data of the vehicle
dane techniczne pojazdu
date of issue of the registration document
checking if the car was registered as damaged
vehicle use in France

The VIN you have entered is invalid.

Possible reasons:

  1. there may be a typo in the VIN
  2. the VIN provided in the offer you're checking is invalid
  3. the seller has provided you with an invalid VIN

Remember: before you enter the VIN, double-check it against the photo of the nameplate or documents.

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We have now combined all the important information from our additional reports (Netherlands, France, Estonia, Belgium) into a single Vehicle History Report.

This gives you everything you need in one place.


Vehicle History Reports for French Cars

Price: 0,00 *

*With the purchase of an autoDNA Vehicle History Report

Customer rating:


(average rating 1214 opinions)

Manuel Dinis PT

Manuel Dinis

Eu recomendo este relatório para qualquer pessoa.
Bogdan RO


Touran verification
Daniel Figueiredo PT

Daniel Figueiredo

Excelente serviço! Ajuda mesmo muito!
Dariusz GB


Thank you for the report, it was very helpful to me.
Gonçalo PT


Great report from France
Adriana Sousa PT

Adriana Sousa

AutoDNA offered an excellent service, has provided me with proof that my stand has deceived me
Damian PL


Everything checked well and I received the report quickly, I was not disappointed. I recommend
Martin Kretek CZ

Martin Kretek

I recommend, Cebia didn't find anything on the car, Auto DNA found an accident abroad ....
Stancu Mihail RO

Stancu Mihail

Detailed and sufficiently detailed reports. There are also shortcomings, but I cannot list them now.
Gunta LV


Very comprehensive and clear information. I definitely recommend everyone to use it, especially if the car is imported to Latvia from another country. I also liked that I could see exactly where in Latvia the technical inspection is located. This raised questions about the impossibly low mileage, and it was clear that the car seller was hiding information.
OndřejB88 PL


I recommend autoDNA - as they say, the report is "as clear as day"! Not only does it provide a wealth of useful information about the car (such as the number of owners), but also its intended use in some cases. Thanks to this, I didn't buy a great Nubira that looked well-maintained and had low mileage at first glance, but it turned out to have a tampered odometer because... it was used as a taxi! I had no idea that it was possible to check such things with just the VIN number. But now I know and I recommend it to everyone because it can save you a lot of nerves when buying a car.
joao coelho PT

joao coelho

Renault Mégane IV


very good, all the process is very quick

autoDNA history report for cars from France is an indispensable help for all who plan the purchase of a used vehicle from that country. History vehicle for French cars is in the form of reports which are created based on the data from central evidence of vehicles. The data provided to the system by a number of credible and reliable operators:

  • Department of coummunications
  • Authorized diagnostic stations (fr. centre agrée de contrôle technique)
  • Importers
  • Insurance companies
  • Lease companies
  • Automotive experts

Summary Report

After vehicle check, we receive report, whcich has in summary basic information identifying the vehicle:

  • VIN,
  • make,
  • model,
  • version.

Additionally includes two key figures: year of first registration of a vehicle in France, and the age of the vehicle.

Vehicle Status

This part of the report includes relevant information about status of vehicle, which appeard in French Department of Transport.

Indicated sections provides registration dates as:

  • first registartion date in France,
  • date of issuance of the registration document means last entry in department of registration.

Valuable information concerning checked vehicle is also category of the car: passenger /commercial car etc. and the type of body Sedan/Coupe/Wagon.

Section also includes the the holder of of the registration certificate (vehicle owner) as the legal entity: An individual/entity economy and the presence of plates who will be needed for any vehicle registration in another EU country.

General information

In this part of the report you will find basic information about the vehicle registration certificate DMV in France:

  • make,
  • model,
  • version of the model,
  • number of doors,
  • vehicle category,
  • type,
  • fuel type,
  • type of propulsion.

Additional information

This section contains additional information, but so important from the point of view of the buyer - information about the registration number allows you to verify the accuracy of the registration number. We can find dealer price of the vehicle in the EUR and the class of vehicle tax, which is used to calculate the ecological tax.

Technical Data

In this section of the report will find detailed technical data:

  • detail of the engine, engine code, displacement,
  • vehicle weight,
  • vehicle dimensions,
  • information on the drive and transmission,
  • wheelbase
  • tire size recommended for the vehicle in accordance with the approval.
AutoDNA Vehicle History Report for French Vehicles - Technical Data

Vehicle History

Section Vehicle History consists of three elements:

  • damages history,
  • vehicle use,
  • ownership history.

The damage history subsection shows whether the vehicle was recorded as damaged. In addition, damage categories are presented in the form of a clear catalog. Examples of damage categories in the catalog: collision, accident, damage due to attack on the vehicle, fire.

In damages history subsection there is information if vehicle has been recorded as damaged. Verification can return two possible results:

  • Positive result: No problems recorded

    Description: Vehicle is not recorded as damaged in supplier's database.

  • Negative result: Problem recorded

    Description: Vehicle is recorded as damaged in supplier's database.

Vehicle use specified how vehicle has been used by previous owners, variable allow you to specify aim/condition and intensity of usage. Vehicle used as a Demo/replace vehicle, Taxi/passenger transport, medical vehicle, Lease/rental, government use: Police, Fire Service.

You will find significant information in the ownership history, this the amount of previous owners in France, one/several which largely affects the history of checked vehicle.

Fuel Consumption and CO2 emission class

Section allows you to explore average fuel consumption declared by the manufacturer: fuel consumption in the urban cycle, combined cycle and cycle out of town.

We find here also information concerning the CO2 Emission Class this value is presented in the form of a numerical and graphical.

AutoDNA Vehicle History Report for French Vehicles - Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emission Class

Terms glossary

In Terms glossary section there are damages categories definitions which may be related with checked vehicle. Section Terms glossary will not be empty if checked vehicle has been recorded as damaged.

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co to jest numer vin
What is the VIN number?
The VIN (Vehicle Identification number) is a unique identifier assigned to each vehicle. It consists of 17 characters that contain information about the brand, model, year of production and the characteristic features of the vehicle. The VIN number is used to track the vehicle history, such as repairs, technical inspections and accidents. This is a key element when checking the technical condition and vehicle history before buying.
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Where to find a VIN number?
The VIN number is placed on elements permanently related to the body. You can usually find it on the driver's side, in the service book, on the side of the engine and in various other places, which is often conditioned by the car brand. If you do not find it under the hood, you can look for it in the trunk, on the floor in the passenger cabin, on the threshold, on the front septum, the nest of the front suspension column, the floor in the passenger compartment or the dashboard.
co to jest numer vin
Almost 20% of buyers from online advertisements had a problem with obtaining a VIN number from the seller. It is about an open attempt to hide the history of the car, and over 10% of drivers met with a situation in which the seller posted an incorrect or false VIN number in the advertisement.
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