A Ukrainian car – import and registration in Poland
More and more imported cars are coming to Poland. These are not only used cars, but also brand new ones. Regardless of the type the car, all imported cars must be registered in an office. In addition, it should be remembered that buying a car from abroad often involves completing more formalities. What should you remember when importing Ukrainian car? Check the details on their import and registration in Poland.
*The information given in the article concerns only the Polish regulations.
How are Ukrainian cars imported?
From Ukraine, drivers import not only used vehicles, but also some decide to buy completely new ones. Although car production is not run by companies from Ukraine, there is a wider selection of models and definitely lower prices. In addition, the country is famous for the production of spare parts. Recently, the SUV cars are very popular there. It’s worth keeping in mind that before the purchase, your decision should not be based only on the photos of the car, but also its vehicle history as well as the technical condition verification done at a service.
When it comes to the used cars, it’s also a good idea to check their engine condition – it’s important to check it if the car has been in use all the time, as it allows avoiding unpleasant surprises which might take place in the future, and lead to the necessary visits at services. By verifying the source from which the vehicle comes, you can increase the chance of finding a favorable offer. Of course, the smallest risk of finding a defective model is in the case of buying a vehicle directly from the manufacturer, although even in this situation the manufacture year of the car is of great importance.
Interestingly, you can come across Soviet Volga and Zaporizhzhia cars on Polish roads.
According to many, cars of this type are in an average condition and prior to using them, many formalities have to be completed. In terms of the older cars, the problems occur both when it comes to importing and registering them, however such old cars are worth the trouble for the connoisseurs of classics.
Calculating the costs of importing a Ukrainian car
When importing a car from abroad, you need to remember that the cost will not only consist of the price of the car, but also the expenses connected with the tax and purchasing a short-term MTPL insurance, as well as purchasing the temporary plates. Depending on the condition of the car, in the case of cars purchased in Ukraine, it might be also necessary to pay for the tow truck. These expenses won’t be low for sure, although for those who want to invest in extraordinary vehicles – classics – the expenses don’t matter much.
Another important expense connected with importing a car is the excise. The amount of the excise tax rate depends on the engine capacity of the car and it is:
- 3.1% of the tax base for engines up to 2000 cm³,
- 18.6% of the tax base for engines with a capacity of more than 2000 cm³.
The situation is slightly different in the case of plug-in hybrid cars. In this case, preferential rates are applied. They represent 50% of the rate of excise duty or are completely exempt from this fee. In such a situation, the fees are as follows:
- 1.55% of the value of the vehicle in the case of hybrid cars with engines up to 2000 cm3,
- 9.3% of the value of the vehicle in the case of hybrid cars with engines with a capacity of over 2000 cm3,
- 0% tax on Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles (PHEVs) with engines up to 2000cm3 and Extended Range Electric Vehicles (REX).
The tax base is the price of the car. Keep in mind that the excise tax should be paid within 30 days, albeit no later than on the day of registration of the car in Poland. Without confirmation of the excise duty payment, it is not possible to register the vehicle.
And what if you want to sell cars to a person from Ukraine?
When planning to sell a vehicle to a person from Ukraine, you need to know exactly how to complete all the necessary formalities. In a situation when the seller knows the Ukrainian language and the law, they can do the transaction abroad. However, a better solution is to sell the car in Poland. In this case, a simple purchase and sale agreement is sufficient. The translation of the documents necessary to register the car in a foreign country is the duty of the buyer – in this case, the new owner from Ukraine.
It’s also possible to have the contract in two language versions. Still, regardless of the language of the contract, it has to include appropriate information. It’s also important to remember that there’s no Ukrainian equivalent of the Polish PESEL number, therefore the contract has to include all the personal data of the buyer, their passport number and the Tax Identification Number.
Along with the contract, you should pass to the new owner the following items:
- vehicle registration book,
- vehicle card,
- keys,
- valid MTPL policy.
Only when disposing of such documents can a Ukrainian citizen register the vehicle in a Ukrainian office.
Car as removal goods
The term “removal goods” refers to all goods intended for personal use of people interested or goods used for the needs of a household. A type of removal goods is private vehicles. In order to drive Ukrainian removal goods, you need to complete certain formalities – they differ depending on the country from which the transport will take place.
In order to transport removal goods correctly and in accordance with the Polish law, the following steps need to be completed:
- report the goods to the customs authorities in Poland to the permit of use procedure,
- apply for the exemption of custom duties – you should attach the list of the things transported along with their number and the value of the goods,
- apply for the transit procedure – it can be an e-application NCTS along with the financial security for the duty and tax.
Registration of a Ukrainian car in Poland
Every owner of a new car (regardless of whether it comes from the primary market from the manufacturer or from the secondary market), wishing to legally use it on Polish roads, must register the vehicle with the communication department of the starosty competent for the new place of residence. In June 2022, Ukraine obtained the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union, hence the new owners must meet the same requirements as in the case of Polish citizens. Below, you will find the most important information.
The most frequently purchased used cars in Ukraine are:
- 2005 Volkswagen Passat
- 2006 Renault Scenic
- 2006 Opel Zafira
Documents required for registering
To register a Ukrainian car, you need to submit a vehicle registration application in the starosty proper for the residence address.
In case of registering a new car, you need to submit:
- a filled-in vehicle registration application,
- vehicle card (if issued),
- original proof of purchase of the vehicle or other proof of ownership – purchase and sale agreement or VAT invoice,
- confirmations of the payments required to register the vehicle,
- confirmation of positive result of technical tests,
- confirmation of payment of excise duty or a document confirming the right to exemption,
- your ID card.
The process is a bit different when it comes to the used cars. In such case, you need to submit:
- a filled-in vehicle registration application,
- original document confirming the ownership of the vehicle – purchase and sale agreement, donation agreement, VAT invoice,
- vehicle card (if issued),
- temporary vehicle registration book containing a valid technical inspection entry,
- existing vehicle license plates,
- confirmations of the payments required to register the vehicle,
- ID card (available for inspection),
- confirmation of entering a contract with the insurer – concerns the MTPL insurance (available for inspection).
Expenses of the registration
Registration of each new vehicle in the office requires expenses. The basic costs are as follows:
- PLN 54 – fee for issuing a registration certificate,
- PLN 80 – fee for standard license plates in the case of a passenger car (possibly: individual license plates – PLN 1.000, temporary license plates – PLN 30)
- PLN 13.50 – time permit for the vehicle with a set of stickers for temporary plates,
- PLN 12.50 – fee for the verification sticker,
- PLN 1.50 – registration fee.
Until September 4, 2022, the cost of registering a car from abroad in Poland was PLN 256. Currently, this fee is lower because the obligation to make a vehicle card and a control sticker has been lifted. The total price of vehicle registration is PLN 161.50 and consists of the above fees.
What’s more, if the registered car has not been registered before in Poland, but it was imported to Poland before 1st January 2016 – then before visiting the office, you will have to pay the “recycling fee” of 500 PLN. A vehicle recycling document is required for registration.
Don’t forget to take out third party liability insurance
Drivers coming to Poland from Ukraine may have purchased an MTPL insurance in their homeland. They can legally move on Polish roads, but they need the so-called Green Card. It is a certificate confirming the conclusion of a policy with a Ukrainian insurer, which covers the damage in the event of a collision or accident.
The document is issued by the society where the Ukrainian citizen has taken out the policy. Importantly – it is valid for a certain period of time – from 15 days to even a year (12 months). Obtaining a certificate requires submitting an appropriate application in advance – it may take up to 3 weeks to issue it. What is equally important – the document is issued in the national language with an English or French translation.
There are occasions when the driver does not obtain the certificate on time. Then, they must acquire border third party insurance. This can be done at one of the points at the border crossing point, at the time of crossing the border, and also online or via the helpline.
Since the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine, Ukrainian citizens can take advantage of free short-term border insurance offered by four Polish companies: After the expiry of the short-term border insurance (it is valid for 30 days), a Ukrainian driver is obliged to take out another insurance. Temporary insurance does not extend automatically!
Where do Ukrainians most often buy cars?
Between September 2022 and January 2023, 81,000 cars were imported to Ukraine, according to data provided by IBRM Samar. Interestingly, Ukrainians import more cars from only one country other than from Poland, and this is the USA. According to the data, Ukraine imports cars from countries such as:
- USA — 23. 903 pcs.
- Poland — 16. 427 pcs.
- Germany — 14. 318 pcs.
- United Kingdom — 3294 pcs.
- The Netherlands — 2915 pcs.
- Lithuania — 2877 pcs.
- Estonia — 2753 pcs.
- China — 1963 pcs.
- France — 1722 pcs.
- Switzerland — 1477 pcs.
Also read about import:
- a car from Italy
- Import a car from France
- a car from UK
- Import a car from the Netherlands
- a car from Belgium
- Import a car from Denmark
- Import a car from Sweden
- Import car from Germany
- Import car from Austria
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What third party liability insurance should you take out when entering Poland?
A driver crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border must have a valid third party liability policy. It can be purchased in Ukraine – then it must also obtain a Green Card from the insurer. If the driver does not have the above mentioned documents, they can get free temporary border insurance, valid for 30 days.
How to import a Ukrainian car without license plates?
If the car does not have temporary plates and short-term liability insurance, you can transport it on a tow truck. This way of bringing a car is more expensive.
What is the cost of registering a Ukrainian car in Poland?
The cost of registering a Ukrainian car in Poland is fixed – the fees in the transport department in the starosty are PLN 161.50 in the case of passenger cars. However, the amount of excise duty may vary – it depends on the type of car and engine capacity, but also the value of the vehicle.