autoDNA advises
Is AdBlue a necessary evil

Is AdBlue a necessary evil?

9 October 2023

EU institutions and others have been tightening their policy towards the automotive industry for years. Officials wanting to improve air quality introduce a number of legislative changes. In accordance with the applied Euro 6 and Euro 5 standards, vehicles equipped with a diesel engine must apply modern solutions – one of them is the necessity of using the AdBlue fluid. This forces manufacturers to reduce the content of harmful substances, and above all nitrogen oxides. What should you know about it?

What is the AdBlue fluid?

The struggle of manufacturers to meet the next exhaust emission standard has been going on for years. Cars with diesel engines have long been charged with a number of allegations regarding, for example, the release of nitrogen oxides into the environment in too high a dose. One of the stages of diesel engine exhaust gas cleaning was the placement of subsequent generations of particulate filters in the exhaust system. However, this was not enough to meet the subsequently introduced standards – in response to this, the SCR system came into use, which is based on the use of the AdBlue agent.



AdBlue is a fluid used in cars equipped with diesel engines. To specify its composition, it is a solution of urea and demineralized water. The task of said mixture is to neutralize impurities under the influence of high temperature, impurities that are emitted by diesel engines


 It is worth adding that AdBlue is made of ingredients that are not harmful to the environment and people. This last piece of information is very important when drivers supply the installation with a new dose of the additive and mistakenly spill the liquid on their hands.

The AdBlue fluid is a substance which is not poured into the fuel. It is located in a separate tank, in passenger cars usually under the floor of the luggage compartment. The solution used ensures that, under high pressure, urea in the form of AdBlue enters the SCR catalyst via the injector. The high temperature in the exhaust system causes the release of ammoniac from the urea solution, which, in combination with nitrogen oxide, releases the water vapour and harmless nitrogen.



Thanks to this solution, exhaust gases in such a harmful form and quantity do not end up in the environment. Then the fuel gas composition itself contains a lower concentration of harmful nitrogen oxides


How do you know there’s AdBlue in the car?



Did you know?

Thanks to this solution, exhaust gases in such a harmful form and quantity do not end up in the environment. Then the fuel gas composition itself contains a lower concentration of harmful nitrogen oxides


When checking a second-hand car, it is worth verifying the content of the exhaust system not only at the service point – remember that the mere presence of all SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) accessories in the vehicle does not mean that this system works – many mechanics simply deactivate it as part of solving the current problems of the AdBlue installation. Information on whether you are dealing with a car with the SCR system can be found in the VIN number. It will take you only a few moments to check the VIN number. In addition, many manufacturers have models equipped with the SCR system with distinctive names – such as BlueHDI, Blue dCI and others.


AdBlue ingredients


Did you know?

AdBlue is a colourless and non-toxic fluid which consists of 32.5% of urea and 67.5% of demineralised water. Contrary to the common belief and the characteristic name – the fluid doesn’t become blue at any stage of its usage – it’s transparent


AdBlue – for which cars?

AdBlue is only used in diesel cars equipped with SCR system.

The SCR system is installed in all trucks, buses and some passenger cars manufactured since 2011 which meet the Euro 5 emission standard – and all the subsequent ones. The SCR system is compulsorily installed in cars with the diesel engines, manufactured since 2015 which meet the Euro 6 emission standard.

Among the most popular car brands using AdBlue there are Volkswagen, Audi, Škoda, Seat, Peugeot, Citroën, Renault, Jaguar, BMW, Mercedes and other. Manufacturers use the systems they develop, essentially working on the same principle. Of course, as in all structures, differences also appear in their effectiveness and durability.


Since when has AdBlue been in use?

AdBlue is used in the SCR systems in the automotive industry as a response to the introduction of new emission standards concerning the diesel engines. According to them, since 1st October 2006, the cars with a tonnage of over 3.5 tone are bound to follow the EURO 4 emission standard, and since 1st October 2009 – Euro 5. In turn, since 1st September 2014, all new trucks and passenger vehicles with the diesel engine are required to follow the Euro 6 emission standard. This standard also applies to the new vehicles registered since 1st September 2015.

AdBlue in Poland was introduced several years ago by Grupa Azoty (being the largest producer of AdBlue in Poland), exactly under the name NOXy® AdBlue®. Since the moment it has been introduced to the market, it’s the most commonly used fluid which allows reducing the amount of harmful substances emitted by the diesel engines. The company took care of the integrated production process, thanks to which the solution is produced directly in the chemical plant, right from the raw material in its liquid form. Thanks to this, the high-quality final product is acquired.


What are the benefits of using AdBlue?

From the perspective of a common driver, the use of AdBlue has few real advantages, if any positive aspects at all. However, the use of an ecological additive makes it easier to meet stricter exhaust emission standards, which boils down to the possibility of legally selling a given type of engine in the European Union, or entering clean transport zones – which appear in many cities.

In theory, then, the AdBlue system – in laboratory conditions – significantly reduces not only the presence of environmentally harmful chemical compounds, but also positively affects fuel consumption. In the research, some manufacturers determined the benefits of the Selective Catalytic Reduction system at nearly 5%, compared to a twin engine without this system. Furthermore, the decrease in diesel consumption also affects another issue – carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere in smaller doses. In simple words, AdBlue’s functions boil down to ecological issues, which, in fact, according to laboratory assumptions, have a right to exist. In practice, however, it is the AdBlue system that allows drivers to enjoy the savings of a diesel engine after the introduction of the next exhaust emission standard.


When should AdBlue be used?

The AdBlue fluid should be used in some cars with the diesel engine which meet the Euro 5 standard, and nearly all cars which meet the Euro 6 standard. The obligation to use this element of the exhaust system was imposed much earlier on trucks and buses.


Where is the AdBlue cap located in vehicles?

The AdBlue fluid should be poured into a separate, AdBlue tank – the substance should not be mixed with the fuel. Depending on the model of a car, it can be located in different places, although, the cap through which the fluid is poured is usually located right next to the fuel cap. In some cars, this hole is placed under the bonnet or in the trunk – so the risk of fluid confusion is minimal. As recommended by specialists, in the event of a possible mistake and pouring another substance into the AdBlue tank – e.g. diesel oil – the system should be cleaned immediately. You should proceed similarly if the addition of AdBlue has somehow been poured into the fuel tank. The only safe solution is to deliver the vehicle on a trailer to a workshop, where the system can be cleaned and flushed.

Where and how to refill the AdBlue tank?

AdBlue, like fuel, is replenished at service stations using a distributor. In towns and bigger cities, the dispensers with the AdBlue fluid are also available in other locations, although it’s not common yet. You can also buy AdBlue in a canister – they are available not only at gas stations, but also in authorized service points and automotive stores in various sizes – in 5-, 10- or 20-liter containers. When choosing a particulal AdBlue fluid, you don’t need to guided by the brand – there are many companies on the market which specialise in manufacturing this fluid. However, what is important is that you use a product which meets the ISO 22241-1 standard, which should be confirmed by a certificate placed on the product.

Owners of cars with the diesel engines which require using the AdBlue fluid, need to remember about many rules connected with refilling it and more. The most important one is the necessity to exercise particular caution during refilling the solution – it must not be spilled on the bodywork of the vehicle. Not many drivers know that the AdBlue fluid has extremely corrosive impact – even a few drops on the bodywork, if not wiped immediately, can cause damage to the paint. In effect, not only will the car look unsightly, but also other elements might be damaged too. Under no circumstances should you leave even a drop that you inadvertently pour outside the body tank.

If the AdBlue fluid is stored in the car in a can or other container, it also should be done with caution. The fluid might damage the upholstery, and it also has a very unpleasant smell. Owners of cars notice, that already a few minutes after refilling the tank, the smell is incredibly unpleasant. Even worse – in case of being spilled on the upholstery, it lasts for a longer time, which makes the car usage very uncomfortable.


Types of AdBlue

There’s only one type of the AdBlue fluid available on the market. It is designated with a special trade mark, and it belongs to the organisation named Verband der Automobilindustrie. What’s important – its ingredients meet the already mentioned ISO 22241 standard. Owners of cars must remember that using other fluids is forbidden. The usage of a different aqueous urea solution or an AdBlue fluid substitute might lead to a car failure, and in the case of new cars – the loss of warranty and further problems and unnecessary expenses.

However, this fluid might be found under different names. The most popular AdBlue fluids are AdBlue DEF, Noxy AdBlue, AUS 32 and ARLA 32.


Price and efficiency of the AdBlue fluid

At the beginning, as a trivia, let us remind you that in the first cars in which the AdBlue fluid was used, it was refilled by the authorised service point employees during reviews. It was only later that the obligation to replenish it was transferred to the owner of the car, recognizing that it is a very simple operation.

People interested in purchasing new cars often resign from the models with the diesel engines, as they worry that it might generate high expenses. Indeed – the necessity of refilling the AdBlue fluid is an additional expense. What’s more – without the fluid, not only will the owner not be able to drive the car, but also the car itself won’t even start. However, there’s no need to worry. Cars are equipped with a number of amenities, including an indicator light informing about the low level of AdBlue and the need to replenish it – often the on-board computer informs the driver about the distance for which there is still enough in the tank, until then you can successfully drive on.

When it comes to the AdBlue consumption, which means the frequency of refilling the AdBlue fluid, the tank might hold up to several dozen of liters. Such amount allows driving for several thousand kilometers, although its consumption depends of course on the driving style and, of course, on the type of the engine, as well as on the correct operation of the SCR system. Still, it is estimated that the average consumption oscillates between 1-1.5 liters per 1000 kilometers. Owners of cars with small tanks have to refill it every more or less 5.000 kilometers, and those with the biggest ones even every 20.000 kilometers.

The AdBlue fluid is available in various variants – usually in 1.5-, 5- and 10-liter containers. The smaller bottles are designed in a special way in order to protect the owner of the car from accidental spillage of the fluid. Larger ones, on the other hand, are equipped with handy funnels, thanks to which refilling the tank with the filler in the trunk floor is not be a big problem.

In terms of the cost of refilling AdBlue, it differs, and it depends on the place where it is purchased. The cheapest option is to buy directly from the distributor – here the cost of 1 liter of solution is about PLN 5. It is also convenient, as it minimises the risk of spilling the substance and damaging the surface of the car. If you wish to obtain a backup container with the AdBlue fluid to store it in your car, you need to pay much more. A tank with a capacity of 1.5 liters can cost up to PLN 30, and 20 l – over PLN 100.

The purchase cost of AdBlue differs – in order to maximally minimise it, it’s worth purchasing the fluid in bigger containers, or look for places which offer attractive prices. Truck users are exposed to a completely different price level. Transport companies most often buy AdBlue in bulk quantities.


What to do when the fluid runs out?

The cars which require the usage of the AdBlue fluid are equipped with an on-board computer and systems warning about the low level of the solution and displaying current level of AdBlue. The warning light most often informs the driver about with well in advance – in order to avoid problems, it should not be ignored. Indeed – the owner of the car will have some time to refill the AdBlue fluid, but delaying it for too long might lead to problems.

When there is no AdBlue, the engine enters the safe mode of operation. If the car is still running, there is a good chance that it can make it to the distributor. After switching off the car, it might turn out that it’s impossible to start it up again, even after refilling the substance – then the only way is to visit an authorised service point. Most often, when the AdBlue level exceeds a specified low ceiling, the car’s computer displays a message that persistently informs the driver about this fact – in addition, many car models threaten the driver with the news that in 1000 or less kilometers it will be impossible to restart the engine. The further procedure depends on the specific car. In some cases, the message disappears automatically when the AdBlue is added to the tank. In others, adding AdBlue does not deactivate the error of the entire SCR system – in this case it is necessary to visit a specialized service, which can remove the error with a diagnostic computer. A common phenomenon accompanying the low level of the AdBlue fluid is the limitation of engine power.


AdBlue faults

Unfortunately, the SCR system is not a perfect solution, as any complicated system it is sometimes problematic. After some time, as specialists report, problems may be caused by an injector whose tip is installed inside the exhaust system, where it dispenses the additive. Leaks appear or the injector itself is damaged – the prices of new elements vary drastically, from several hundred to several thousand zlotys. The AdBlue dosing pump itself does not often require attention, nor does the tank. A big problem for users is the lack of substitutes of reasonable quality, and above all the lack of elementary knowledge of the employees of the authorised service points on this subject. According to the procedures of many brands, the solution is to replace the entire system with a new one, without diagnostics of individual elements – which of course generates absurd costs.

A peculiar difficulty reported mostly by drivers without a garage space is sensitivity to frost. It often turns out that in cold temperatures, after a whole night spent under a cloud, AdBlue does not work. The settling crystals clog the wires, blocking the supply of the medium to the injector, which ends with an engine error – the on-board computer then informs the driver about the failure of the entire system, switching the engine to emergency mode.


Are there sanctions for not having a working AdBlue system?

The SCR system with the addition of AdBlue in the main role, as we know, is designed to reduce the emission of a number of environmentally harmful substances. In order to fulfill its task, it must be operational. Many drivers, especially transport companies, in the initial period of using AdBlue on a mass scale in the face of the costs associated with it, or the need to have certain repairs done, decided to remove or shut down AdBlue systemically – definitely ending the problem in their opinion. At the beginning, such a practice remained unpunished, but not for long. For years, uniformed services throughout Europe have been strictly controlling the efficiency of the AdBlue system in trucks and buses, and any violations (interference in its work) are rewarded with generous fines.

The situation is slightly different in the case of passenger cars. In theory, the driver cannot order the disassembly or shutdown of this system. Such action is a modification incompatible with the approval of the vehicle. However, it is not in all European countries that anyone verifies the efficiency of AdBlue in passenger cars – only in Germany and Austria such tests are carried out. In other countries, a driver on the road practically does not have to be afraid of anything, it is only during the technical inspection that the diagnostician has the opportunity and even should check the operation of this system. In the event of detecting irregularities or shutting down the system, the vehicle will not pass the periodic inspection with adequate attention – then passing the technical examination is possible only after removing the defect.


AdBlue vs. the weather conditions

AdBlue likes neither high nor low temperatures. In summer, during the period of exceptional warmth, due to the high temperature and the UV radiation, the AdBlue fluid loses its properties. It also should not be subjected to overheating or too long exposition to the sunlight. To avoid problems, the fluid should not be stored in the trunk in smaller containers. Additionally, petrol stations and other distributors of AdBlue should take care of appropriate storage of the containers with the solution – they should not be stored outdoors during summer.


The impact of high temperature on the AdBlue level

It’s very important to take care of the fluid also in winter, when the temperature outdoors drops far below 0 degrees Celsius. This fluid freezes when the temperature drops below -11 degrees Celsius. In such situation, leaving a car in bitter cold might result in freezing the fluid and disabling further driving. In order to help drivers use a car, the producers provide special heaters which quickly defrost the fluid. Still, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it’s good to keep the car in the garage. As it also happens that small ice crystals of urea freeze in the injection system. Then, the heater is not a useful solution, as the pump gets damaged and it has to be replaced.



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AdBlue, which is a derivative of urea, is a safe substance for humans, but it has a detrimental effect on the car body.

The differences come down to the price, trade name - the chemical composition according to the standards is always the same.

Is AdBlue a necessary evil?
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Is AdBlue a necessary evil?
In accordance with the applied Euro 6 and 5 standards, vehicles equipped with a diesel engine must apply modern solutions – for example using the AdBlue fluid.
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